Friday, December 27, 2013

5 Things to Know About HL7 FHIR

A new term spreading (almost like fire) through the healthcare interoperability world is HL7 FHIR, pronounced as “fire.” Here are the Top 5 things I think you should know about this upcoming standard many hope will help solve many current issues in interoperability. Learn more

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Why Do Healthcare IT Projects Fail?

It is not uncommon to read commentaries from healthcare thought leaders about healthcare IT projects that fail, either failing to meet objectives, failing to come in on time/on budget, or failing entirely. Within the provider community there seems to be an abundance of anecdotal stories of EHR and other technology failures. Some of these stories are perpetuated by the EHR software vendors themselves. Right after a practice has had a very promising demo from software vendor A, software vendor B comes in and says, righteously, “Oh, we just deinstalled system A in a practice. It was a disaster but now they are very happy.” Read more at:

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Cerner Forced To Pay Out Large Settlement To Customer

Cerner has struck a settlement agreement with one of its customers which will force the giant IT vendor to take significant charge against its fourth-quarter earnings.
The client, Trinity Medical Center of Minot, N.D., claimed last year that the patient accounting software sold by Cerner in 2008 was defective and didn’t deliver on the promised business benefits.
In the suit, the medical center asked for $240 million in damages, while Cerner only estimated damages of $4 million.  To settle the matter, the two parties agreed to go into arbitration, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. Read more..

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

EHR Implementation May Lead to Revenue Loss, Survey Suggests

According to a study, recently appearing in an issue of the journal Health Affairs,  implementing an electronic health record (EHR) could to lead to revenue loss. The authors of the report studied 49 community practices in a large EHR pilot through the Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative, and found that the average physician lost $43,743 over five years and just 27 percent of practices would have achieved a positive return on investment.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Health Care's 'Dirty Little Secret': No One May Be Coordinating Care

landmark report by the Institute of Medicine in 1999 cited the fragmented health-care system and patients' reliance on multiple providers as a leading cause of medical mistakes. Leape, who helped author that report, says there have been improvements since, but "we have not done enough."
Subsequent studies suggest the toll may be even higher than the Institute of Medicine estimated. A 2010 federal report projected that 15,000 Medicare patients every month suffered such serious harm in the hospital that it contributed to their deaths. Read more..

Cerner Sued!