Sunday, October 12, 2008


Finally.. I'm a Certified Pro in Healthcare Information Management Systems. Why finally?!!.. Not because that's it! I'm done with my career develoment, nore that now I land on my dream job (although I wish :) But because it was TouGH! And it was my second attempt :0) Why am I proud? I leave the answer to the Guru's:

“CPHIMS is more than just an acronym after my name,” said Ali R. Birjandi, MBA, MHA, CPHIMS, vice president of operational performance improvement at ProMedica Health System in Toledo, Ohio. “It is a designation that I have the technical knowledge and the required experience to use it. The largest causes of technology-project failures have not been the technology, but with the experience of the people leading the change. My CPHIMS Certification lets others know that when I talk about new technology, I speak from a position of both knowledge and experience.”

“Holding the CPHIMS, like other credentials, sets a baseline that fellow professionals understand,” said Jonathan D. Goldsmith, CPHIMS, FACHE, senior consultant at the International Bar Association. “Some may say a credential does not represent potential for future work, which is often true. However, it does represent a level of knowledge and understanding that immediately separates the ‘haves’ from the ‘have-nots,’ in first impressions and possibly later.”

Next project.. MBA. Let's go get it!